A glimpse into Motorola Moto G Stylus user manual. Whether you are a new or returning phone user, you will find the information inside the manual helpful.
Smartphones are powerful tools that connect us with people all over the world. By pressing a few buttons on a touch screen, we have access to a wide range of data.
But what happens if we have no idea how to use a smartphone like the Motorola Moto G Stylus? Sleek and sophisticated, it would be a shame if we can’t unlock the device’s full potential.
Fortunately, we have reliable user manuals to rely on at any time. A user manual is a timeless piece of document that can help you for ages.
We can never go wrong with the information it generously provides. Skim through Motorola Moto G Stylus (XT2211DL) user manual summary to get a general picture of the document’s contents.
Improve Battery Life
Your phone processes tons of information. Depending on what apps are in use, your phone may use a lot of power.
When your phone is not in use for a period of time, unnecessary background processes are shut down to optimize battery life.
- To see what’s using up battery power, swipe up > Settings > Battery > USAGE DETAILS.
- To help improve battery life, swipe up > Settings > Battery > Battery Saver, and tap Turn on now. When on, your phone’s display changes to Dark theme.
- To limit battery use for apps that you don’t use often, swipe up > Settings > Battery > Adaptive Battery, and turn it on.
Battery Tips
To save even more battery life between charges, you could reduce:
- Widgets that stream information to your home screen, like news or weather.
- Unused accounts: Swipe up > Settings > Accounts.
- Recording or streaming videos or music.
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Care for Your Phone
- Restart your phone each morning to keep it running optimally.
- When you’re near water, consider using a Bluetooth speaker to listen to music from your phone while keeping it safe.
- Hold your phone firmly when using gestures to open the camera or to turn the flashlight on/off.
- Don’t leave your phone in a hot car on a sunny day. If you do accidentally do this, let your phone cool off before powering up.
In case of water
Mobile devices marketed as water repellent are not waterproof. Avoid prolonged exposure to water, and do not submerge in water. In the event your device is exposed to water, dry your device and ports thoroughly with a soft, clean cloth. Water damage is not covered by your warranty. Tips to prevent damage to your phone:
- Dry your phone and ports thoroughly with a soft, clean cloth.
- Don’t try to charge your phone when it’s wet.
- Do not expose your phone to salt water or other liquids.
- Do not expose your phone to water at high pressure.
- Do not drop or puncture your device, as this could damage the water repellent features.
Clean your phone
To disinfect your phone:
- Use wipes or cloths moistened with isopropyl alcohol with a concentration of 70% (specific for electro-electronic products).
- It is recommended that you turn your phone off to clean it.
- Avoid moisture in the phone’s openings, including the charging port, headset jack, microphones, and speakers.
- Do not immerse the phone in cleaning agents, and do not use cleaning materials that contain bleach or abrasive agents.
- Do not use sprays directly on the screen.
At the top of the screen, icons on the left notify you about new messages or events. If you don’t know what an icon means, swipe the status bar down for details.
Tip: Getting too many notifications? Touch and hold a notification to see which app is sending them to you. Then you can turn them off.
Easily see and participate in conversations using notification bubbles that float on top of the display.
Find it: Swipe up > Settings > Apps & notifications > Notifications > Bubbles, then tap the switch to turn it on
To use, tap a bubble to open and reply to a conversation. Drag the bubble around the screen to move it.
Note: Not all apps support this feature.
App notifications
You may see a notification dot on an app. This app notification, or badge, tells you the app has an update or an announcement, such as a new email or a missed call. Touch and hold the app for more information, options, or app shortcuts.
Download User Manual
That wraps up our summary, but that’s not the end of the user manual. There’s more information from where that came from. Be sure to save a copy of the Motorola Moto G Stylus (XT2211DL) user manual for yourself. Access the download link to obtain your file, and have a good time reading.
Download: Moto G Stylus User Manual (PDF)