A manual helps you operate your smartphone. Check out the LG K31 Rebel user manual for more insightful information. Don’t forget to click on download.
Smartphones are constantly being developed year after year. There’s always a new shape, size, or trademark feature that makes a phone stand out.
There’s no shame in buying an updated smartphone annually. However, it can get tiring learning how to use a different smartphone all the time. That’s why we have manuals.
The LG K31 Rebel (L355DL) user manual is a perfect companion for your phone-related queries and concerns. No need to check up online. This manual is already available with your device.
If you have trouble understanding your device, just read up the manual. But if you need a bit more convincing, we got you covered. Check out this sneak peek of the manual, and you might change your mind.
Page Contents:
Custom-designed features
The LG K31 Rebel is installed with a fantastic Google Assistant feature that you can use. This assists with your everyday tasks. There are many ways to launch Google Assistant. You can learn how to start this up by using voice recognition or manual settings in the manual.
Another cool thing you’ll find is the phone’s multitasking feature. This provides flexibility switching between apps smoothly. It also gives you the ability to use multiple apps at the same time. To learn how to do this, follow the available guidelines provided in this section.
Parts overview
Make sure you get familiar with the LG K31 Rebel’s exterior parts. This an important step to take before operating the software. Included in the manual is a full diagram of the phone parts. Each camera, button, and everything else comes with its label for reference.
Some buttons come with dual functions. For example, the volume keys don’t just control the sound levels. It can also be used to take photos or open a Screen-off memo. Find out what other things your buttons can do by reading the manual.
Touch screen gestures
The LG K31 does come with multiple touch screen gestures. Each gesture controls your device differently and performs a respective task. If this is your first time buying a touch screen phone, you have nothing to fear. The manual is here to guide you, one gesture at a time.
In total, there are six touch screen gestures explained in the manual. This ranges from tapping, double-tapping, to swiping. Each one of them comes with a visual to give you a better picture of the gesture. There are also a few precautions you can take to prevent any damages to the touch sensor.
Read also:
Understanding your home screen
A home screen is the first place you will access with a smartphone. The LG K31 Rebel user manual teaches you how to make the best of your home screen. Before tweaking it, you will need to understand the home screen layout first. Take a look at the manual to understand what widgets are included in your home screen.
Your home screen has several bars and panels. This includes a navigation bar and a notifications panel. Additionally, several icons are popping up indicating different phone statuses. Read up this section to understand what all these items mean.
Smart cleaning
Over time, your phone will collect heaps of unused data or files. Cleaning them up one by one takes up a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, the LG K31 Rebel includes a smart cleaning tool that you can use. Take a few minutes to learn how to use this feature.
The manual will let you know how to access smart cleaning from your home screen. It shows you the overall interface of the feature. Additionally, it tells you what other functions are there in the smart cleaning feature, such as battery save and optimizing phones.
Keeping it secure
Your phone’s privacy greatly matters to developers. You will be able to find instructions on how to increase the security level on your LG K31 Rebel. There is a list of steps you can follow to customize your lock screen and security configurations. This comes perfectly handy if you’re afraid of losing your phone.
Download user manual
That sums up the essentials of the manual. If you’re hungry for knowledge, you can have this manual for future use. Click on the download link that will lead you to a PDF version of the document. You will have a great time reading the LG K31 Rebel user manual.
Download: LG K31 Rebel User Manual (PDF)